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Sustainable food chains

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute works with sustainability throughout the food chain, in close collaboration with industry and government organizations.

IVL supports municipalities and other governmental organizations with sustainable, climate-adapted, circular food procurement.

We develop technology and methods for cultivation and processing in tomorrow’s sustainable food production, working with companies, government agencies, and other researchers. We work to improve food management through measures that reduce food waste and save on resources.

Ongoing research in food

Services IVL offers in the field of food

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The latest news in the food sector

Contact IVL's food experts

Elvira Molin ivl personal

Elvira Molin

Sustainable procurement and life cycle analysis External link.

Porträtt av man med grå bakgrund

Michael Martin

Life cycle analysis and sustainable food systems External link.

A portrait of a woman

Maria Ahlm

Food waste and circular flows External link.