Designed urban greenery for a healthy living environment
Well-planned urban greenery significantly contributes to a healthier living environment. Green spaces can improve air quality, reduce heat stress, increase biodiversity, and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Integrating greenery in a dense city can be challenging. However, sustainable and multifunctional green solutions can be achieved by combining trees with small-scale greenery that is easier to integrate into densely built areas. In this Formas project, we develop and evaluate innovative green solutions that help cities reach their goals for urban greenery and climate adaptation. The objective is to create new and in-depth knowledge and solutions for integrating greenery into urban planning practice, focusing on the following key areas:
- Designing the right greenery for the right space. We develop realistic solutions for how small-scale greenery can be integrated with trees to promote the multifunctionality of urban greenery in available areas.
- Urban greenery for health and well-being. We evaluate the impact of greenery on health and well-being as well as climate adaptation and energy efficiency.
- Urban multifunctional greenery in urban planning practice. We analyze and develop recommendations on how the multifunctionality of the greenery can be used to increase priority and overcome barriers for its inclusion in the urban landscape.
The project is led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, together with the City of Malmö, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and the Gothenburg Botanical Garden. The working methods include mapping existing frameworks, designing and evaluating innovative solutions, and providing practical examples from the City of Malmö.
The results aim to strengthen the role of greenery in urban development by providing tools and recommendations for planning and implementing green spaces. In the short term, the project contributes with practical examples and knowledge-enhancing efforts, while in the long term, it strengthens cities' ability to create green, healthy, and climate-adapted environments.
Project facts
- Budget: 6 MSEK
- Financier: Formas
- Partners: IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Malmö stad, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet och Göteborgs botaniska trädgård.
- Period: 2024 - 2028
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