News from Clean Shipping Index
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Information on how to issue a new certificate before the old has expired
Some shipowners aim to secure a new CSI certificate while their current one is still valid to prevent any lapse in certification. But as the CSI methodology is updated from time to time, it is not possible to issue a new certificate right away.
New versions of Guidelines published
On March 3rd, 2023 Clean Shipping Index has published new versions of the Methodology and Reporting Guidelines and the Verification Guidelines.
On-board verification requirement back in place
In 2020 Clean Shipping Index announced that, until further notice, the requirements for on-board verifications and office verifications were lifted due to social distancing procedures following the Covid-pandemic.
Environmental differentiation gives extra discount during 2023
Reduced costs for fairway dues – after a decision by the Swedish Government, shipowners will receive extra rebate on the fairway dues during 2023.
Changes in CSI’s Technical Committee and Project management
We welcome Olof Lindgren, Captain and Vetting Manager at Preem as new member in the Technical Committee. He replaces his colleague Daniel Berndolf. Erik Ytreberg, Senior Researcher and Associate Professor from Chalmers University of Technology has been appointed as new Chairman.
The choice of fuel affects environmental performance in CSI
The price for LNG is currently high and dual-fuel vessels might consider using other types of maritime fuel. From the CSI project management we want to point out that if there is a deterioration in performance for a vessel, the vessel needs to become re-verified to the new environmental performance, see section 2.1 of CSI methodology and reporting guidelines and chapter 2.3 of CSI verification guidelines.
Reminder: annual update for carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur oxides (SOX) and particles (PM) for 2022
From January 31st 2022, the routine with annual updates of ship performance data for CO2 and SOX/PM is re-implemented.
ABS to verify according to Clean Shipping Index
ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) is now accredited by the Clean Shipping Index and can provide verification of a ships’ environmental performance data according to Clean Shipping Index guidelines and verification procedures.
Ports of Stockholm support the Clean Shipping Index technical committee
The Clean Shipping Index are pleased to announce that Ports of Stockholm are strengthening the CSI Technical committee with its expertise in port management and incentive systems.
Annual update for carbon dioxide and sulphur oxides and particles back 2022
From January 31st 2022 the routine with annual updates of ship performance data for CO2 and SOx/PM will be started again. However, it is the verifier that adds the figures to the CSI database and ensures they are correct.
Planned updates to the Clean Shipping index in January 2022
The Technical Committee of the Clean Shipping Index has decided to update the CSI requirement with new criteria. The changes will be updated in the database from the 31st of January 2022. The changes are regarding the criteria connected to antifouling, sewage and NOx emissions. A criterion has also been added concerning scrubber water.
Reminder: Annual updates 2021 not required
The Covid-19 pandemic is strongly influencing worldwide activity, maritime traffic included. Changes in shipping operations will influence all vessel performances, causing non-representative performance figures.
CSI methodology & scoring updates
Due to changes in international regulations and technology review CSI updates its methodology.
Summarized information on Clean Shipping Index verification exemptions following the pandemic
Society and the maritime sector have been greatly influenced by the current pandemic sweeping over the world. As a result, ferry and shipping traffic have been reduced during 2020. For the shipping companies operating in Swedish waters there is a possibility to take part in the environmental incentive from the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA), based on Clean Shipping Index (CSI).
Annual update suspension due to pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic is strongly influencing worldwide activity, maritime traffic included. Changes in shipping operations will influence all vessel performances, causing non-representative performance figures.
Eased requirements for office- & onboard audits due to Covid-19
Due to social distancing procedures applied by governments and organizations, being part of the Covid-19 counteractions, CSI eases its requirements on office- & onboard audits during verification.
IVL takes over Clean Shipping Index
Shipping is considered an energy-efficient mode of transport with low carbon dioxide emissions per unit transported. But the efficiency depends on the type of ship and the amount of cargo transported. Ships emit e.g. nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides and affect marine life through discharges of wasterwater, chemicals and waste.
Class 5 showroom is available on website
Verified Class 5 vessels are now shown in the ‘showroom’ on the Clean Shipping Index website. These vessels have achieved the highest class, CSI 5, based on their environmental performance according to the Clean Shipping Index methodology.
Clean Shipping Index welcomes Wagenborg as a new user
Royal Wagenborg is an international shipping company operating a modern fleet of about 180 multipurpose vessels offering logistic solutions to international, exporting industries. Wagenborg is serving customers in Europe, Baltic, Mediterranean and the Americas. The ice-classed vessels, ranging in capacity from 1,700-23,000 tonnes, are active in the dry-cargo segment.
Siem Shipping joins Clean Shipping Index as new member
Siem Shipping is specialized in transporting various cargoes like refrigerated cargo, general cargo, containerized cargo, ammonium nitrate and ro-ro cargo. They are trading worldwide with their fleet of 18 vessels.
MRV figure accepted as basis for CO2 scores
Starting on 1 January 2018 the European Union introduced its Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of carbon dioxide emissions from maritime transport. Since many shipowners collect their CO2 data based on MRV, Clean Shipping Index accepts the MRV figure as a basis for CO2 scores. This makes reporting for shipowners easier and simplifies the CSI methodology. Also the full EEOI figure can still be reported for CO2 data.
I-Tech becomes user of Clean Shipping Index
Clean Shipping Index welcomes I-Tech as a new member. I-Tech AB supplies the antifouling agent Selektope® (generic name, medetomidine) to coatings manufacturers for inclusion in marine antifouling products. I-Tech is a bio-technology company based in Mölndal, Sweden that owns all IP and regulatory rights to Selektope® and controls a large source of medetomidine production.
New board member and chairman elected during Annual meeting
During the Annual meeting on April 26th at the office in Gothenburg, Tryggve Möller was elected as a board member and captain Daniel Berndolf as chairman of Clean Shipping Index.
Environmental impact evaluated to design effective instruments
In a project for the Swedish Transport Administration, researchers of the Swedish environmental research institute IVL and Chalmers University of Technology evaluate the environmental impact of shipping to analyze the type of emissions with the greatest impact.
Annual meeting on April 26th
On Thursday April 26th the Annual meeting of Clean Shipping Index will be held at the office in Gothenburg. The meeting will start at 09:30 and is expected to end around 15:30. Besides the formal part and updates, this annual meeting will mainly focus on shipbreaking activities.
Panolin joins Clean Shipping Index as new user
Panolin offers high performance environmentally considerate (biodegradable) lubricants that fullfil the requirements for vessels to achieve the highest score in Clean Shipping Index for e.g. stern tube oil, gear oil or external hydraulic fluids.
PetroPort starts differentiating port fees using Clean Shipping Index
PetroPort is a port company in Stenungsund (Sweden), owned by the chemical companies Borealis and Perstorp. PetroPort manages various types of chemical products, both in liquid and gas form, oil products and an increasing proportion of renewable fuels.
The Swedish government’s former national environmental co-ordinator for business recommend companies to use Clean Shipping Index
Using Clean Shipping Index as a practical tool for demanding cleaner maritime transports, is listed among concrete suggestions on what companies can do in their environmental work to contribute to the environmental objective of limited climate impact. The measures were compiled by the Swedish government’s former national environmental co-ordinator for business.
EFO becomes user of Clean Shipping Index
Clean Shipping Index is proud to announce EFO as a new member.
Electric propulsion and biofuels now rewarded in Clean Shipping Index
Clean Shipping Index takes lead and introduce a carbon factor of zero for biofuels in the EEOI formula (also applicable for the CCWG TEUkm formula), this means that vessels running on biofuels will gain scores in CSI’s CO2 section.
One step towards alignment with ports initiative
Clean Shipping Index has started collaborating with Environmental Ship IndexExternal link, opens in new window. (ESI) through becoming an
Incentive Provider
. The next step is to have ESI scores presented in the CSI database and align the criteria for SOx & NOx.
Non-class verifiers welcome to perform Clean Shipping Index verification
Verifavia has been accredited to verify according to the new standard set by CSI to qualify shipowners for the reduced fairway tax in Sweden, read more in their pressreleaseExternal link, opens in new window..
Sofi Holmin-Fridell joins the Technical Committee
Clean Shipping Index welcomes Sofi Holmin-Fridell, Environmental Officer at the Swedish Maritime Administration, to the Technical Committee.
SMA publishes information in English about the fairway dues system
The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) has now published an English version of the informative document on the differentiated fairway dues in Swedish waters, starting 1st of January 2018.
Port of Prince Rupert rewards high environmental performance
In an effort to encourage shipowners to invest in sustainable practices, the Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) launched the Green Wave Program. Introduced in 2013, the environmental incentive program offers discounted harbour dues to commercial vessels that implement emission reduction measures or other environmental practices.
Port of Vancouver’s financial incentives for clean ships
Since 2007, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s EcoAction Program has offered the opportunity for vessels to receive a discount of up to 47% off their harbour dues per call for meeting voluntary best practices that reduce emissions and other environmental impacts. Examples include obtaining acceptable third-party environmental ratings or designations for cleaner, more efficient and quiet ships, or using alternative fuels and technologies.
Clean Shipping Index welcomes Ports of Stockholm as a new user
Clean Shipping Index welcomes Ports of Stockholm as a new user.
GoodFuels Marine joins Clean Shipping Index
Clean Shipping Index welcome GoodFuels MarineExternal link, opens in new window. as user of Clean Shipping Index. GoodFuels Marine develops and delivers renewable, bio-derived fuel for the maritime sector. GoodFuels’ products are drop-in replacements of fossil distillate fuels, that can be used without any engine modification.
Wisby Tankers – New user of Clean Shipping Index
The next shipowner to join as user of Clean Shipping Index is Wisby Tankers. Wisby Tankers manage a fleet of 19 modern vessels with a global trade pattern. By being a member of CSI, they aim at knowledge sharing, networking and taking part in the development of the Clean Shipping Index organisation.
DFDS becomes user of Clean Shipping Index
Clean Shipping Index welcome DFDS A/S as the first shipowner becoming user of Clean Shipping Index. This is in line with CSI’s strategy to increase collaboration with shipowners and offer support with e.g. what investments that can enable ships to achieve a higher CSI class, particularly relevant for ships that will be affected by the new Swedish fairway dues systemExternal link, opens in new window..
Upcoming network meeting 27th of September in Gothenburg
The network meeting will be preceded on the 26th of September by a scientific workshop on CSI’s weighting of the environmental criteria. The aim is to assess whether we are on the right track and to identify areas for improvement relating to environmental impact and the weighting of our current parameters. CSI members are more than welcome to participate in this workshop too.
Edvard Molitor elected as Clean Shipping Index board member
During the annual association meeting in Clean Shipping Index had the pleasure to welcome Edvard Molitor, Senior Environmental Manager for Port of GothenburgExternal link, opens in new window., to the board of the Clean Shipping Index. Edvard has extensive and widespread experience in the field of maritime sustainability and will be an important partner in achieving the organization’s goals.
Sweden offers reduced tariffs for cleaner ships
Updated Clean Shipping Index scoring system used to differentiate Swedish fairway dues.Clean Shipping Index has introduced an updated scoring system to measure the environmental performance of ships and shipping companies. Taking into account a wide range of environmental parameters, the revised methodology includes data regarding carbon dioxide, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, on-board use of chemicals as well as treatment of water and waste. Vessels of all types are rated in a scale from one to five stars, depending on the total score obtained.
Clean Shipping Index calls on EU to regulate CO2 emissions from ships
In a letter to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, Clean Shipping Index expressed support for EU action on regulating ship CO2 emissions in order to boost the process at the International Maritime Organization.
Clean tech supplier Lean Marine AB becomes member of Clean Shipping Index
Next company to sign up for membership and CSI usage is Lean Marine ABExternal link, opens in new window.. The fuel saving potential from their systems is highly considerable and are already in use on several vessels. Quick decreases in fuel consumption of 15-20 percent are reported from their customers which proves the high potential. To have Lean Marine included in the Clean Shipping Network community imply interesting opportunities for relating technical solutions to CSI scores.
Marinfloc AB becomes a user of Clean Shipping Index
The Clean Shipping Network is now open for companies that provide solutions to improve the environmental performance of vessels. Previously, the membership was limited to cargo owners and forwarders, who evaluate the environmental performance of ships and shipping companies during their procurement process. Marinfloc ABExternal link, opens in new window. is a Swedish company specialized in waste and water treatment systems for marine applications and is the first supplier to join.
Financial incentive for clean ships in Swedish waters
The Swedish Maritime Administration announced a proposalExternal link, opens in new window. to differentiate the fairway dues system based on the environmental scores of the Clean Shipping Index. Currently, the financial incentive is based on how much nitrogen oxide a vessel emits. Considering the shipping industry’s current environmental challenges and the Swedish environmental ambitions, this is not enough, according to the administration.
Landmark transaction in the global shipping sector
Clean Shipping Index performed an environmental assessment for the financing of a new vessel by ABN AMRO bank and Delta Lloyd Asset Management. The vessel design from the Dutch shipowner Anthony Veder received a Clean Ship Design certificate with ‘Good performance’ for the Coral Energice. The submitted data was verified by Bureau Veritas. When in service, this will be the highest ranking vessel in the Clean Shipping Index database.
Swedish forwarder Greencarrier joins the Clean Shipping Index as user
With worldwide operations and a growing business Greencarrier will be an important part of the network and are warmly welcomed onboard.
The need for professional & sustainable ship recycling
The NGO Shipbreaking Platform, a Brussels based coalition of environmental and human rights organisations, has published a list of ship owners and ships sold for dismantling in 2014. According to that list, compiled and based on research by the NGO Shipbreaking Platform, several shipping companies were the beneficial owner or charterer of vessels that were beached for dismantling on the Indian subcontinent in 2014. Ship dismantling on the beaching yards of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan is associated with severe pollution and unsafe working conditions.
CSI support the Green Ship Technology conference 2015
Clean Shipping Index is supporting partner to the Green Ship Technology conference, 10-13 March 2015 in Copenhagen. It is the 12th GST Conference and the biggest green ship technology event in Europe.