PFAS purification of water
To phase out PFAS from the environment, purification must be done in various steps and at different locations. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute helps you to develop a purification technology for your specific purpose. Techniques we use include nanofiltration, ion exchange (AIX), powdered or granulated activated carbon (GAC) and foam fractionation (SAFF).
Simply reducing or stopping future PFAS releases to the environment, in order to protect people and the environment from PFAS-related adverse effects, is not enough. As PFASs do not degrade in the environment, cleaning up contaminated sources is crucial.
We work specifically with wastewater, leachate and drinking water. Wastewater treatment plants are not producers, nor do they use PFAS chemicals in their operations. As with other pollutants, treatment plants are only recipients of these chemicals, and a link between society and the environment. However, precisely because wastewater treatment plants are a collection point and dispersion route for discharges from households, industries and landfill leachate, this is also where treatment measures are most important.
Leachate and process water from virtually all waste facilities in Sweden also contain elevated levels of PFAS.
IVL is working in several projects to test and develop various techniques for PFAS purification. We are constantly developing methods and technologies and developing customized solutions, often in a combination of treatment technologies.
Hire IVL for:
- Preliminary studies for the most efficient treatment technology
Risk assessment of the treatment process, including risk analysis in the receiving waters - Proposals for possible solutions combining both research and existing technologies
- Pilot studies on new treatment technologies, either performed on site or at IVL's test facility SWIC, Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Center
- System perspective and optimization of new or existing treatment technologies
We would like to know more about your specific needs for lab services. Fill in the form below and we will contact you shortly. Please note that IVL does not perform analyses for private individuals.